The Decelerator Hotline

The Decelerator Hotline is currently closed for new calls. We are at the halfway point of our pilot phase, and so we are taking this short break to do some proper learning and reflection, and will reopen the hotline with an evolved process on 6th June 2024, or shortly after. This will enable us to offer more support, to more people, more effectively.

If you are looking for support, ideas or encouragement with an ending in your organisation, then you might find the Decelerator Tools a useful place to go in the meantime. In particular…

You might also want to consider contacting an infrastructure or membership organisation for guidance and support (eg. SCVO, NCVO, Association of Chairs, ACEVO, Social Enterprise UK etc).

If you have further questions you can’t find the answer to on our website, please drop us a line and we’ll respond to you as soon as we can.